
Create python package

Packaging for a Python repository like e.g. PyPI is automated via our CircleCI workflow. If you want to do the packaging process manually, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the translation file:

    lunes-cms-cli compilemessages
  2. Build the python with setuptools:

    pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
    python3 sdist bdist_wheel

    Then, the built can be found in ./dist/.

Publish package

You can publish the to a python repository like e.g. PyPI with Twine:

  1. Read the required authentication secrets into environment variables:

    export TWINE_USERNAME="__token__"
    read -rs TWINE_PASSWORD
    # Enter your API token and press Enter
  2. Optionally, if you want to publish to TestPyPI instead of PyPI:

    export TWINE_REPOSITORY=testpypi
  3. Publish the package:

    twine upload --non-interactive ./dist/lunes-cms-*.tar.gz

See the Twine documentation for all configuration options of this command.